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Funny English


Below are some other sites related to the topic of funny English you might enjoy. Please note: I am not responsible for the content of these pages!!!


Engrish.com You will split your sides laughing at this one. A lot of funny English from Japan here, along with an online store, Twitter feed, and a, uh, "brog".
Big White Guy "Adventures of a Big White Guy living in Hong Kong" - some really funny English here, and some fascinating facts about Hong Kong, from a big white guy's perspective.
Funny Mistakes This is a collection of funny mistakes made by learners of English as a second language on their English classes. From Eclectic English.
ESL From ESLdepot.com... a collection of strange signs that English teachers can use to help students learn English. Great activity for your English class!
Singlish Dictionary The language of Singaporean English. A real chim site you be arrowed to click, lah! Solid!
Toilet Museum Okay, so the English is okay on this site, but the content and passion of the curator made me want to include it here.

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